Gregor, L., Shutler, J. and Gruber, N., 2024. High resolution variability of the ocean carbon sink. Authorea Preprints.
Shutler, J.D., Gruber, N., Findlay, H.S., Land, P.E., Gregor, L., Holding, T., Sims, R.P., Green, H., Piolle, J.F., Chapron, B. and Sathyendranath, S., 2024. The increasing importance of satellite observations to assess the ocean carbon sink and ocean acidification. Earth-Science Reviews, 250, p.104682.
Green, H.L., Findlay, H.S., Shutler, J.D., Sims, R., Bellerby, R. and Land, P.E., 2023. Observing Temporally Varying Synoptic‐Scale Total Alkalinity and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean. Earth and Space Science, 10(12), p.e2023EA002901.
Sims, R.P., Holding, T.M., Land, P.E., Piolle, J.F., Green, H.L. and Shutler, J.D., 2022. OceanSODA-UNEXE: a multi-year gridded Amazon and Congo River outflow surface ocean carbonate system dataset. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2022, pp.1-32.
Land, P. E., Findlay, H. S., Shutler, J. D., Piolle, J.-F., Sims, R., Green, H., Kitidis, V., Polukhin, A., and Pipko, I. I.: OceanSODA-MDB: a standardised surface ocean carbonate system dataset for model–data intercomparisons, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 921–947,, 2023.
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Gregor, L., Gruber, N. (2021) OceanSODA-ETHZ: a global gridded data set of the surface ocean carbonate system for seasonal to decadal studies of ocean acidification, Earth System Science Data, 13, 777–808,
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Land P.E., Findlay H.S., Shutler J.D., Ashton I.G., Holding T., Grouazel A., Girard-Ardhuin F., Reul N., Piolle J.F., Chapron B., Quilfen Y., (2019). Optimum satellite remote sensing of the marine carbonate system using empirical algorithms in the global ocean, the Greater Caribbean, the Amazon Plume and the Bay of Bengal. Remote Sensing of Environment, 235, p.111469, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111469
Shutler J.D., Wanninkhof R., Nightingale P.D., Woolf D.K., Bakker D.C., Watson A., Ashton I.G., Holding T., Chapron B., Quilfen Y., Fairall C., (2019). Satellites will address critical science priorities for quantifying ocean carbon. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, doi: 10.1002/fee.2129
Land P.E., Shutler J.D., Findlay H., Girard-Ardhuin F., Sabia R., Reul N., Piolle J., Chapron B., Quilfen Y., Salisbury J.E., et al (2015). Salinity from space unlocks satellite-based assessment of ocean acidification. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (4), pp 1987–1994, doi: 10.1021/es504849s